Helpful Phone Numbers
Sometimes when a resident of our neighborhood sees an unsightly car or yard, their first instinct is to report the issue to a No. 3 Park West Association board member. A better and more effective approach is to report the problem directly to the City of Tucson department that has enforcement power and paid staff to deal with the matter.
Even during these times of city budget cuts, many of the City of Tucson departments are still available to help keep Tucson clean and beautiful. The Housing and Community Services Code Enforcement Division will follow up on falling fences, junk, weeds, vegetation that obstructs sidewalks, signs on public rights of way next to roads, additions that don't seem to have building permits, and peeling paint complaints. If you see a vacant property with broken doors or windows, this Division can send someone to secure the property. The number for code enforcement is 520-791-5843, but they want you to submit a report at Just do a google search for City of Tucson Code Enforcement and click on Report a Code Violation.
For vehicles with expired plates parked on the street, call Parkwise at 520-791-5071 or write to Inoperable vehicles on private property can be reported to
Putting graffiti on public or private property is against the law. If you see someone in the act of “tagging,” call 911. If the graffiti is already in place, call 520-792-CITY (2489) to report it. Graffiti left in place tends to attract more graffiti. If the graffiti is on your property, eventually the City will notify you that you need to remove the graffiti or you will be fined.
Walls, fences, ramadas, carports, storage sheds, garages and room additions must first be approved by Building Code Plan Review in the Development Services Department at 520-791-5550. Once you have complied with the City's building codes, approval must also be granted by the No. 3 Park West Association Architectural Committee. Please complete the Home Improvement Review Form found on our website, and send it to
If you plan to change the trim color of your house, please complete the Home Improvement Review Form and send to After the Home Improvement Review Form is received by the Architectural Committee, you will be asked to provide a paint chip. Earth tone colors are recommended.
Pot holes, missing street sign, street light needing maintenance, limbs hanging over the sidewalk? Send your request to the Tucson Department of Transportation at
For the removal of abandoned shopping carts, call the City of Tucson's Environmental Services (ES) Department, Customer Service at 520-791-3171. You can also download an app to your smart phone so you can report abandoned shopping carts, learn about recycling procedures, and be reminded of garbage pick up days. Go to the app store on your smart phone, and download the free app called My Waste.
For information on feral cats, see
In the case of barking dogs, please attempt to resolve the issue with the dog owner in a courteous and calm manner. If this doesn't work, you can register a complaint with Pima Animal Care Enforcement by calling 520-724-5900. If this doesn't work, you would call a Noise Complaint Specialist at 520-243-5910 to be referred to the voluntary Community Mediation Program, which then contacts both parties to arrange for mediation (this is voluntary). If this doesn't work, complete an Animal Noise Log, preferably with help from your neighbors who are also disturbed by the dog. The dog owner will be cited to appear before a Judge or Hearing Officer in Tucson City Court for a violation of the animal noise law. But the best solution is often the easiest: start by politely asking your neighbor to prevent the dog from barking excessively.
Sometimes when a resident of our neighborhood sees an unsightly car or yard, their first instinct is to report the issue to a No. 3 Park West Association board member. A better and more effective approach is to report the problem directly to the City of Tucson department that has enforcement power and paid staff to deal with the matter.
Even during these times of city budget cuts, many of the City of Tucson departments are still available to help keep Tucson clean and beautiful. The Housing and Community Services Code Enforcement Division will follow up on falling fences, junk, weeds, vegetation that obstructs sidewalks, signs on public rights of way next to roads, additions that don't seem to have building permits, and peeling paint complaints. If you see a vacant property with broken doors or windows, this Division can send someone to secure the property. The number for code enforcement is 520-791-5843, but they want you to submit a report at Just do a google search for City of Tucson Code Enforcement and click on Report a Code Violation.
For vehicles with expired plates parked on the street, call Parkwise at 520-791-5071 or write to Inoperable vehicles on private property can be reported to
Putting graffiti on public or private property is against the law. If you see someone in the act of “tagging,” call 911. If the graffiti is already in place, call 520-792-CITY (2489) to report it. Graffiti left in place tends to attract more graffiti. If the graffiti is on your property, eventually the City will notify you that you need to remove the graffiti or you will be fined.
Walls, fences, ramadas, carports, storage sheds, garages and room additions must first be approved by Building Code Plan Review in the Development Services Department at 520-791-5550. Once you have complied with the City's building codes, approval must also be granted by the No. 3 Park West Association Architectural Committee. Please complete the Home Improvement Review Form found on our website, and send it to
If you plan to change the trim color of your house, please complete the Home Improvement Review Form and send to After the Home Improvement Review Form is received by the Architectural Committee, you will be asked to provide a paint chip. Earth tone colors are recommended.
Pot holes, missing street sign, street light needing maintenance, limbs hanging over the sidewalk? Send your request to the Tucson Department of Transportation at
For the removal of abandoned shopping carts, call the City of Tucson's Environmental Services (ES) Department, Customer Service at 520-791-3171. You can also download an app to your smart phone so you can report abandoned shopping carts, learn about recycling procedures, and be reminded of garbage pick up days. Go to the app store on your smart phone, and download the free app called My Waste.
For information on feral cats, see
In the case of barking dogs, please attempt to resolve the issue with the dog owner in a courteous and calm manner. If this doesn't work, you can register a complaint with Pima Animal Care Enforcement by calling 520-724-5900. If this doesn't work, you would call a Noise Complaint Specialist at 520-243-5910 to be referred to the voluntary Community Mediation Program, which then contacts both parties to arrange for mediation (this is voluntary). If this doesn't work, complete an Animal Noise Log, preferably with help from your neighbors who are also disturbed by the dog. The dog owner will be cited to appear before a Judge or Hearing Officer in Tucson City Court for a violation of the animal noise law. But the best solution is often the easiest: start by politely asking your neighbor to prevent the dog from barking excessively.